Your data and images are important business assets and need to be cultivated and stored for ready access.

Seaward will maintain your house lists with updates and suppressions and will set up ACS returns on mailings for electronic acquisition of Nixies and NCOA.

We can optimize your database for geographic or demographic filtering. Updates and additions to your lists can be done manually or electronically through your website or other data harvesting techniques. All data is associated, so email addresses are linked to mail addresses along with phone numbers, companies, purchasing experience and other relevant relationships. Opt-in/opt-out status is linked to prevent CAN SPAM liability and maximize efficiency.

Seaward supports all lettershop and mailing capabilities, including addressing and multi-level versioning and personalization. Our archive services will make subsets of your lists available as needed with secure backup and encrypted transfer over our FTP site.

We have the production expertise to effectively handle whatever marketing program originates with your data and images, be it direct mail, internet, outdoor, collateral, or media-based marketing.

Contact us today to discuss your house lists, and to see how Seaward can optimize outside lists to your advantage.